My Composting System
I have two compost bins that I alternate back and fourth between resting and active. I had one bin completely full and needed to switch to the other bin in order to clean out my chicken bedding, so I dumped one bin and started another. Chicken waste is some of the best composts for the garden. It's full of beneficial microbes, macro and micro nutrients, and best of all, it's free. But you have to wait months in order to use it for a few reasons. First is because it is considered hot which means that the nutrients are too strong while fresh and will burn your plants. The other reason is because it could have dangerous bacterias in it like salmonella which could splash onto the plants we eat in the garden which could end up infecting you. So it's best to let it rest for a few months before using. • Many people discuss browns vs greens when composting. Browns are stuff like dried leaves, wood chips and straw, which we already have in the chicken bedding. The greens are stuff like kitchen scraps, fresh greens, and chicken poop, which is also in the bedding. So I dont worry too much about the ratio, but a good rule of thumb is about 1/4 of your compost should be greens, and 3/4 browns. I think I might be slightly higher in the greens, but like I said dont worry too much with perfect ratio, as long as there is more browns than greens then I feel its ok. And it's been working fine for me so far. • 00:00 Introduction • 00:21 Explaining my Compost System • 05:13 Dumping Rocks • 05:42 Cleaning out Chicken Coop • 09:37 Filling the Compost Bucket • 11:05 Adding Fresh Straw to Chicken Coop • 13:49 Fixing the Nest Box • 15:10 Outro