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Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim • The Mahdi, as promised by Prophet Muhammad, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, has been foretold to appear by witnesses chosen by ALLAH. They are connected through dreams, and in the real world, they search for and meet each other in the same way. This is the dream of the End Times approaching truth, revealed by Allah so that it is indeed true. • To Ruqhayya before being conveyed to other witnesses, and at this time, ALLAH’s witnesses will continue to carry out Allah's commands. The truth will not be drowned out. The call to ALLAH’s servants is jihad in the path of Allah, for the sake of the Ummah and out of love for Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, a love that surpasses our love for ourselves. • Come to the call of ALLAH, and ask for His guidance with certainty and sincerity, striving with humility. Pray, O ALLAH, Muhammad ibn Abdullah is the Mahdi whom You have promised. Grant us Your guidance, so that I may truly receive this news with certainty. Grant us Your guidance, O Lord... • • #ALLAH #ProphetMuhammadSAW #muhammadbinabdullah #AlmightyALLAH #muslims #muslimah #muslimummah #muslimstatus #islamicstatus #message #forall #fyp #fypages #FairWarning #foryou #muslimummah #info #islamicinfo #awareness #awakening #englishlanguage #Australia #Canada #unitedkingdom #UnitedStates #brunei #rise #inspiration #motivation #testimony #TheMessage #islam #sharing #Highest #Grace #Attention #Palestine #SavePalestine #Guidance #PathofMuhammad #Protect #Jannah #salvation #family #friend #relatives #truth #love #compassion #together #inform #servant #fear #Mercy #Most #Magnificent #help #love #unite #Mahdi #certainty #sincerity #striving #humility #news