Beard Blather 222 quotThe Cheshire Presidentquot
Beard Blather 222: • • The Cheshire President. • • FULL VIDEO HERE: • • Just when we thought we had nothing more to say about the Moron-in-Chief, just like that, in one single day, he crapped on American hostages in Gaza and, assisted by the Obamination, launched the cockamamie idea of a Cease fire leaving hostages in tunnels and his Hamas friends in control and, as then he crapped on America's sense of Justice pulling a sardonic smile right out of his ass and over to his otherwise inexpressive facade, giving us a rare glimpse into his childish, evil, self. He knows he was caught with his hands in the cookie jar...and does not give a shit. • • Full speed ahead! was the order to his propaganda minions, from Alex Soros, the son of the piece of shit who denounced his fellow Jews to the Nazis, to a cohort of apparatchiks pretending to be journalists. Repeat the mantra until the idiots believe it! And so they did. Goebbels would be proud, and Ed Bernays smiling like a Biden in his grave. • • But it's not going to work. The game is up. Nobody in their sane minds would confuse hardcore party man Merchan with a judge, Alvin Bragg with a prosecutor or twelve fanatics with peers of Trump. But they do look like a Star Chamber: A court of equity punishing actions that are not illegal based on the corrupt morals of a few sycophants of the retarded monarch. • • Having destroyed our economy, prestige, standing, trade, borders, sinking the world into a state of chaos in the process. Bidenites are destroying American's faith in our Judiciary as the last stop on the road to a Fascist totalitarian dystopia. • • As Americans realize the extent of the assault on every principle upon which this country was founded and of every shred of morality left in the wake of sociotard movements, Biden has become the Cheshire President: A sardonic, evil figure disappearing part by bloody part until the last thing remaining in the collective imagination of the country is his evil, sardonic grin. • • In November, save America and toss this vermin back into the hellhole from where he sprung. • • What can we say, this is a LIVE Blather, and we'll have to wait until it's done to tell you what it is all about. • • Please donate to: • • Follow the conversation on: • • • Don't forget the tip jar! • • Did we mention clicking on that nice FOLLOW button and turning on notifications? • • NEW: Click on JOIN and select a new monthly membership for exclusive content! • • • • S5E21 - 01 June 2024