How does Powerball work
Find out more at - • In this video Rory from Powerballs demonstrates how easy it is to start the Powerball using two different methods. The cord start and the autostart. • Regular exercise with Powerball® can help maintain muscle tone and health from finger to shoulder, thanks to its rhythmic movement and non-impact nature. When your muscles respond to the demands placed upon them from exercising with Powerball®, blood flow increases and joint health is promoted by stimulating the production of synovial fluid (the fluid that lubricates and nourishes joints). • The gripping action required to hold Powerball® activates the finger flexor muscles and the wrist extensor muscles. Activating the wrist extensors prevents wrist flexion, thereby enhancing grip strength. With the wrist extensors activated by the gripping action, the rotatory movements necessary to maintain the gyroscopic movement of Powerball® exert forces on a wide range of muscles. • • Shop now at • Store: • Email: [email protected] • Facebook: @nsdpower • Instagram: @rpm_power • Twitter: @rpm_power