The Calorimetric Thermogram 313 UPV


Título: The Calorimetric Thermogram • Descripción: Ribes Greus, MD.; Badía Valiente, JD. (2010). The Calorimetric Thermogram. • Descripción automática: In this video, the presenter delivers a tutorial on a thermoanalytical technique used to measure heat flows related to temperature changes in materials. Initially, they layout the content of the presentation, emphasizing that some knowledge of chemistry, physics, and fundamental concepts is beneficial for understanding the responses. • They clarify that the technique measures variations in heat capacity and can detect exothermic and endothermic transitions within a sample. An important note is made on interpreting the information presented on the y-axis of graphs to differentiate between exothermic and endothermic responses. • The focus then shifts to demonstrating the application of the technique on thermoplastic polymers, outlining various thermal transitions such as first-order transitions (like recrystallization and melting) and second-order transitions (for example, glass transitions). The video describes how the apparatus functions, with the polymer sample undergoing various transitions as it absorbs or releases energy, which is detected and measured by the technique. • The latter part of the video focuses on the specific responses to changing temperatures during a polymer's glass transition, crystallization, and melting processes. It details how the technique measures differences in energy or temperature between the reference and the sample to create the signal. The speaker concludes by recapping first and second-order transitions and how they relate to internal workings, encouraging viewers to interpret their results with the information learned from the presentation. • Autor/a: Badía Valiente José David • Curso: Este vídeo es el 3/13 del curso MOOC Degradation and thermal analysis of polymers.    • MOOC Degradation and thermal analysis...   • • Universitat Politècnica de València UPV: • Más vídeos en:    / valenciaupv   • Accede a nuestros MOOC: • #Experimentación #Calorimetría #MAQUINAS Y MOTORES TERMICOS


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