How To Find Wisdom Devotional Proverbs 215


My son, if you receive my words • and treasure up my commandments with you, • making your ear attentive to wisdom • and inclining your heart to understanding; • yes, if you call out for insight • and raise your voice for understanding, • if you seek it like silver • and search for it as for hidden treasures, • then you will understand the fear of the Lord • and find the knowledge of God.— Proverbs 2:1-5 • Solomon makes it pretty clear. If you want to grow in wisdom, you have to want it. You have to want it. And really want it. Because wisdom does not just magically happen in your life. You don't just rub a genie's lamp and one day become wise. We would like it to happen that way, but this doesn't work. And you know how I know? Because I have rubbed a genie's lamp, and nothing happened. No, I have never done that! I actually know because the man who God granted more wisdom than any other man in history tells us in these verses that we have to search for it. It's not just going to happen to you. And as Solomon says, you will have to search for it with everything you are: your ears, heart, voice, and sight. In other words, you have to give your whole self to find it. This means it has to consume you more than your search for riches and reward. It must consume you more than your search for recreation, relationships, and reputation. You will have to set other things aside to find it. But if you do. If you really search for it, you will find something that will blow your mind. You will find God. And when you find God, you find everything, including wisdom. • The best way to begin to find the wisdom you want is to put yourself around wise men. Men who are wiser than you. Men who are pursuing wisdom. Men who passionately search for it in their leadership, marriage, family, and career. And maybe one of the best ways to begin is to identify individuals you need to stop and start spending time with in your life. Seriously, today might be a day to name just one person you need to stop spending time with. And name one person you need to start spending time with. Do it. It's one step on the way to wisdom and a more passionate search for the wisdom you want and the wisdom you need. • ASK THIS: Who is someone you need to stop spending time with? Who is someone you need to start spending time with? (Share initials or first names in the comments below.) • DO THIS: Set up a meeting today. • PRAY THIS: God, may my relationships and choices be wiser. • PLAY THIS: All I Want Is You — VOUS Worship. • Check out other all Vince Miller's videos and audios for small groups at: • Get Vince's most widely read resources The Daily Devotional at: • Check out more ALL IN products like the one Vince is wearing at: • • ____________________________________________________________________________________ • Connect with Vince socially: • FACEBOOK:   / millervince   • INSTAGRAM:   / vinceleemiller   • LINKEDIN:   / vincemiller   • TWITTER:   / vinceleemiller  


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