TSP 12 04
The law of attraction (LOA) is the principle that positive thoughts, emotions and actions lead to positive outcomes, while negative thoughts, emotions and actions lead to negative outcomes. In that sense, the LOA mirrors the belief in karma. Both are based on the law that energy follows thought, and that what we focus on is what we attract. • Through this course, a greater understanding of the Self and of the world is revealed. To this end, this interactive group course offers reliable and no-nonsense codes for illuminating even the darkest, and most persistent and persnickety ego patterns. This results in more peace and more emPowerment. • Check out The Small Print of the Law of Attraction course at: www.empoweringnow.com/thesmallprint • To contribute: https://buy.stripe.com/dR64hS6Qs1ip7X... • Free eBook: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/r215ylkcsb • For more information visit us at: www.empoweringnow.com or www.goldenxpr.com • The Mission of emPowering NOW LLC ™ is to test, experience, and bring forth Golden XPR as a path to transition from a world of GReed that splits Giving and Receiving by communicating fear, confusion and domination, to a world of GRace that unites Giving and Receiving by communicating wisdom, understanding and kindness. • The Mission of Golden XPR ™ is to reveal the order inherent in the chaos of knowledge. When I perceive that there is a universal code to hearing and seeing the soul of perennial truths, the visible and the invisible merge (I stop doubting), the hunger for LOVE is satiated (I have nothing left to lose), integrity is naturally embodied (I do no harm), and an enlightened civilization emerges (I love IT all).