Pakistan’s Healthcare Horror Bicycle Pump Used for Patient Treatment – Unacceptablequot
Description: In an alarming display of inadequate healthcare, recent footage reveals a disturbing scene from a hospital in province sindh, Pakistan, where patients are reportedly being given oxygen through a bicycle pump. This shocking image highlights the severe lack of essential medical equipment and resources in some areas, forcing healthcare workers to resort to makeshift solutions. With patients relying on dangerously improvised treatments, this incident underscores the urgent need for healthcare reform and support for under-resourced facilities. The scene reflects both the resilience of healthcare workers under dire conditions and the tragic outcomes of insufficient funding and infrastructure in the medical sector. • @RakibHossainvlogs • @RichardsonsFaceHospitals • @TheGastroLiverHospitalKanpur • @daisyhospital_chennai • @DrTonySetiobudi • @drsuniljindal • @SahyadriHospitalspvtltd • @healthtime6469 • @HealthyHamesha • @healthleader3549