Ballot Breakdown Its the Debates Stupid Politics amp Tee Ep 10


The presidential and vice presidential debates can make or break a campaign. Whether it was Ronald Reagan downplaying his older age with debonair levity in the debates of 1984 or Al Gore frustrating voters with his exasperated sighing during a debate in the lead-up to the election of 2000, constituents take notice of even the smallest details once candidates step behind the podium. • However, citizens have become increasingly disillusioned with political debates over the last few election cycles, with many expressing concerns that these discussions have begun to feel more theatrical than substantive. How did we go from Jimmy Carter saying he was reluctant to say anything critical about Governer Reagan in 1980 to Joe Biden telling Donald Trump to shut up in 2020? Why does it feel like political debates are getting worse? What ad hoc changes could be made to the debate format to alleviate the issues plaguing these seminal chats? Should they be made at all? • The answers to these questions, which I discuss in this episode, could be the difference between whether debates will continue to play a positively constructive role in election discourse that will have us saying, It's the debates, stupid, or if we'll start to leave each future gabfest lamenting, man, that debate was so stupid. • Timestamps: • (0:00) Introduction • (1:53) How effective are political debates, really? • (7:12) Are some changes to the presidential and VP debate format in order? • (19:26) Should we be placing less emphasis on political debates?


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