Tracker Automatic Boat Latch Boat2Trailer Boat Loading System For Tracker Boats


Tracker automatic boat latch. • The Tracker boat in this video has a think aluminum eye. This boat will require the Model T boat Latch on Boat2Trailer. Our install process is pretty simple. We slid the winch stand forward on the trailer to get access to the aluminum eye. This allows us to install the adaptor directly to the eye of the boat. Then we removed the roller on the trailer and replaced it with our Model T automatic boat latch. Once installed we slid the winch stand back into place and secured the winch stand and is now ready for use. • The Ramp N Clamp Model T is designed specifically for a Tracker with an aluminum eye. The Sport model is designed specifically for a Tracker boat that has a standard U bolt for an eye. You will need to look at the eye on your Tracker boat. The Model T comes with our patented stainless steel aluminum eye adaptor. This adaptor is ESSENTIAL in saving your aluminum eye. A steel clamp grabbing directly onto aluminum will cause wear and tear on your aluminum tracker eye. The stainless steel aluminum eye adaptor slides directly over the thick aluminum eye. It does not require any drilling. • Look closely at the eye that is on your Tracker boat. It will either have a standard U bolt or the thick aluminum eye. On the Model T Tracker automatic boat latch, there is a gap in the polyurethane specifically for this stainless steel aluminum eye adaptor to travel through. The Sport Model has a gap for a standard U bolt. It is very important the opening or gap on the polyurethane matches the mount of the eye. Having a tight fit on the eye ensures less wear on your fiberglass or aluminum boat and your eye. If you have a different setup of your eye, please visit the MODELS page on Boat2Trailer to find the correct model. • Find more info on • Website: • Model T for aluminum eye: • Facebook:   / boat2trailer   • Twitter:   / boat2trailer   • Instagram:   / boat2trailer   • Intro – 0:00 • Ramp N Clamp Installation – 0:13 • Stainless Eye Adaptor Installation – 0:21 • Clamp Installation – 0:25 • Launch A Boat 0:37 • Load A Boat 1:00


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