ANIMATIC Heart of StoneSix the Musical
Took me long enough for a 5-minute animatic in Kinemaster. • I enjoy the process of making and • I hope you guys enjoy watch every second of it too💕 • School projects gave me a burn-out,but finally was able to manage- • If you want to support my content • Drawing Circles is Hard pls consider Subscribing✨ • Or maybe Follow my Instagram: • (@ayegee_art) : • / ayegee_art • (I'm more active here) • And twittah: • / 1277245524089896967 • • As for financial support/business inquiries, you're more than welcome commission me an art piece when you need it or want it(anime style,cartoonic,comics,character designs Or ANIMATICS)🤯😱 yes I've finally open for that. Including refined coloured animatics for special occasions. • Feel free to DM/message me on the following social medias mentioned above whenever needed😊 thank you. • • EDIT: • The sayings were cleared up or specified. pls minimize fighting each other in the comments • ヾ(´▽`;) • Also thank you for those that commissioned me these past months it really helped me and my family survive this past months and this also helos me strive to create more content for yall. Really grateful🙇💕 • • As for my Description for this animatic: • Edit: I asked for symbolism analysis, some wonderful peeps got it😁