Jynxzi And Ninja Plays OG Fortnite 2 for the FIRST Time
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=62Ybej9tKss
Jynxzi And Ninja Plays OG Fortnite 2 for the FIRST Time! • To Support me: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/r4vengam... • LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this • I'm uploading these videos to promote Twitch Streamers and YouTubers , if you have some problem with credits and you don't want me to use your video or you want me to delete some videos contact me here. • Fortnite is a third person shooter survival game where the player has to survive against up to 100 other players unless you are looking to play the mode Reload which has 40 players. The total player count for each battle royale is 100 and for reload its 40. • #ninja #jynxzi • tags: • fortnite ,fortnite daily moments, fortnite battle royale, Mongraal,FaZe Mongraal,MrSavage,Fortnite,FNCS,Fortnite Tournaments,Best Fortnite Player,Savage,Mongraal Fortnite,Fortnite Mongraal,Mongraal Edit,Mongraal Rage,Mongraal Settings,Mongraal Moments,Mongraal Funny,FNCS Mongraal,old mongraal,that one mongraal edit,clix,bugha,mongraal vs clix,mongraal videos,fortnite funny moments,fortnite pros,fortnite funny,fortnite funny moment,fortnite shorts,mongraal shorts,mongraal speed Mongraal,Fortnite,Savage,Mongraal Fortnite,Fortnite Mongraal,clix,bugha,fortnite funny moments,fortnite pros,fortnite funny,fortnite funny moment,jynxzi,ninja,jynxzi fortnite,ninja fortnite,fortnite og 2