Les mystères de la disparition de SaintExupéry pendant la guerre HDG 49

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Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is known for being an aviation pioneer and a famous writer. But a lesser-known part of his life is his war story. • However, it is arguably the most significant part of his existence. Because it is in the midst of World War II that Saint-Exupéry would fight for France and Freedom. And it is in 1943, while in exile in New York, that he would give birth to his masterpiece: The Little Prince. And above all, it is on July 31, 1944, during a reconnaissance mission, that he would mysteriously disappear with his plane. For over 50 years, his plane would remain unfound... Until a certain September 7, 1998, and the miraculous discovery of a clue by a fisherman from Marseille! • Thank you to the entire team who contributed to the preparation of this episode. • Writing: Florian Henn, Julien Aubrée • Voiceover: Julien Aubrée, Pierre-Alain de Garrigues (   / padg_officiel  ) and Alice Fischer (  / alicecommefischer  ) • Historian: Patrick Godfard • Voiceover Recording: Thomas Koeune (https://fenschtoast.com/) • Editing: Maxime Boden, François Calvier • Shooting: Julian Benini • Marketing: Mathieu Parrot • Subtitles: Mathias Corrard • English translation: Julie Vital • Thanks: • The Succession Saint Exupéry–d'Agay, the Antoine de Saint Exupéry Youth Foundation, and especially Mr. A Tanase, for their enthusiasm, motivation, unwavering support, and for granting us access to their archives: https://www.antoinedesaintexupery.com/ and https://www.fasej.org/. • The Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace du Bourget for opening their doors to us and allowing us to explore the remains of the P-38: https://www.museeairespace.fr/ and    / museedelair   and Ms. Marion Weckerle, Aircraft Collection Manager, for presenting us with the pieces of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's P-38. • Luc Vanrell for the underwater footage of Saint-Exupéry's P-38 wreckage. • Photo and archive credits: • Succession Saint Exupéry–d'Agay: https://www.antoinedesaintexupery.com/ • Antoine de Saint Exupéry Youth Foundation: https://www.fasej.org/ • ECPAD: https://imagesdefense.gouv.fr/ • Aerial photos taken by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: © Collection Aérophotothèque du Centre Camille Jullian, Aix Marseille Université-CNRS • US National Archives: https://catalog.archives.gov/ • USHMM (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum): • INA: https://www.ina.fr/ • Sources of the episode: • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Écrits de guerre, 1939-1944, Gallimard, 1982, https://amzn.to/3Vc5bwA • Jacques Pradel, Luc Vanrell, Saint-Exupéry, l'ultime secret: Enquête sur une disparition, Éditions du Rocher (préface d’Alain Decaux), 2008, https://amzn.to/3jdAKJ6 • Jean-Claude Bianco, Le mystère englouti Saint-Exupéry, Ramsay, 2006. https://amzn.to/3Ja3493 • Marseille: « Mon Dieu, c'est Saint-Exupéry »... La folle histoire du plongeur qui a localisé l'épave de l'écrivain il y a 20 ans, 20Minutes, 2020, https://m.20minutes.fr/amp/a/2786471 • • ENQUÊTE. La disparition de Saint-Exupéry en 1944, Ouest-France, 2021, https://www.ouest-france.fr/culture/l... • Marseille rend hommage à Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, 2009, https://www.marseille.fr/epresse/docu... • Récit. L'histoire incroyable de la découverte de l'épave de l'avion d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry à Marseille, France 3 PACA, 2021, https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.... • • 2000, l'épave d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry est retrouvée, INA, 2020, https://www.ina.fr/ina-eclaire-actu/2... • Herlé Jouon, Le Prince Disparu, Grand Angle Productions, 2018 • Le Duel, ZDF, 2008 • Nick Beale, The Luftwaffe and Saint-Exupéry : the evidence, 2008: http://www.ghostbombers.com/JG200/Rip... • ISAN: ISAN 0000-0006-5912-0000-1-0000-0000-Y


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