Otter Life Day 178–180 An Otter That Doesn’t Know How To Interact With Cats


Dit is een video van de 225-229 dag sinds Aty bij ons thuis is gekomen. • Aty wil graag verzorgd worden door Mr. Cat, maar hij lijkt nog niet te weten hoe hij met hem moet omgaan. • Aty ontwikkelt zich elke dag een beetje. • This is a video of the 225-229 day since Aty came to our home. • Aty wants to be cared for by Mr.Cat, but he doesn't seem to know how to interact with him yet. • Aty is evolving a little bit every day. • ★Clipped video creators wanted! • Japanese • • English •    • Post   • • ★Highlights • 12:12Aty is scolded for messing with Mr.Cat. • 16:32 Sulking otter • 23:39 Spoiled little Aty • 48:40 Slipping rug • ★This video is the original source of the following main channel video. •    • Aty is apologizing to Mr.Cat, then At...   Aty is apologizing to Mr.Cat, then Aty gets pouty [Otter life Day 178] アティ、にゃん先輩に謝る。そしていじける。 •    • When I was editing a Youtube video, t...   When I was editing a Youtube video, there was an otter next to me [Otter life Day 180]カワウソアティとにゃん先輩 • Aty: A little boy otter who came to our house at the age of 9 months. • At first he couldn't even swim in the river, but now he loves the river more than anything else and swims in it all year round. • Whenever we go out, he always walks ahead of everyone, so he has come to be called “Captain Aty”. • Ui: A tomboy with comical movements. • Because of her ferocious nature, she had to go from one owner to another. • At first, she was so ferocious that Aty was too frightened to even touch her. • But Ui opened up to us and now she and Aty make out every day. • Aty and Ui have been issued a certificate of registration as an internationally rare wild animal and plant species. • • ★Main Channel •    / aty0730   • ★Camera • Osmo Action • • #otter #BedreigdeSoorten #Aty #Ui #Mr.Cat #OtterAty #Camp #Outdoor #Natuur #River #animal


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