How To Become A Musician How To Learn To Sing By Yourself
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ -- How to become a musician - How to learn to sing by yourself. • It is imperative to have an interest in music • Becoming a musician is not automatic. You must have a strong interest in music. The reason for this is simple. Repetition of proper musical knowledge is the key to playing an instrument. The more you like something, the easier it is to be motivated, when it comes to practice. As an example, if you are satisfied with being a very basic guitar player, it probably won't take you too long to learn a few simple chords. On the other hand, if you want to become highly proficient at any instrument, it will take years of hard practice. The better you want to become at playing guitar, piano, or any other instrument, the more you will have to practice. I mean day, after day, after day, for a long time. • Get an instrument • I play guitar and piano. My main musical interests are rock, pop, and classical. It is important to pick an instrument to eventually play the genre, or genres of music you like. If you get a guitar, make sure it is playable. It's important the strings are not too high on the fret board. It will be very difficult, and frustrating to play if they are. Strings can be lowered using an Allen wrench. You can also bring your guitar into a shop to have it done. You want to lower your strings as much as possible, without them buzzing too much. Getting a new set of strings is nice also. Basically, you need to get an instrument that is playable, and love playing it. This is key to becoming a musician. • Lessons or learning on your own • There is no rule written in stone, concerning your musical education path. It is a good idea to find a competent instructor, who will help you develop a solid musical foundation early on. Everything you learn musically is cumulative. Learning an instrument or instruments is a journey. I recommend to at least take lessons for maybe a year or more. For many reasons, it is vitally important to start out on the right track. Once you understand the basics, and get to a decent playing level, then make a decision on what to do next. Because of today's technology, you could utilize the internet to achieve the next level of proficiency. There is more than one path you can take to becoming a musician. • Learn some music theory • This is usually not the most fun part of your overall musical education, but gaining even a basic understanding of theory, can really make a big difference. As an example, there is a chord progression called the Axis of Awesome . If you learn, and can play this four-chord progression, you will literally be able to play thousands of songs. Now, that is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to musical theory, but your ability to play a lot of songs has improved dramatically. • Certain skills are important • Becoming a musician does require certain skills and traits. You will need patience. Learning to play an instrument can really test your patience. As mentioned earlier, it takes a lot of repetitive practice to achieve even intermediate levels. A good sense of timing and rhythm are crucial. Developing an ear to hear certain pitches is very helpful. Traits such as curiosity and detail attention can also help you along the path of your musical education. • It's a given fact: Not all people are born singers. Some may be gifted of a good singing voice even when they were still on their mother's womb, while others need to go through rigorous training just to perfect the skill. In point of fact, you can teach yourself how to sing and let those vocal chords in your voice box vibrate perfectly as you croon a line or two. • Learning how to sing the DIY (Do It Yourself) way can be done through these following methods and procedures: • 1. Humming - This is a good starting point if you want to teach yourself how to sing. Humming a few lines of your favorite song will help you discover the timbre and texture of your voice. It's not really difficult to execute this, all you need to do is just hum some lines of a song and once you perfected humming a particular tune or melody, you can now move on to a more advanced learning. • 2. Vocalization - In case you don't know, mornings are the most difficult time of the day where your vocal chords struggle to carry a good tune. Hence, before you embark into some live performance, you need to do some vocalization. Professional voice coaches generally execute different ranges of tones as one way of vocalizing. If you're doing the training yourself, you can as well put this into practice. • 3. Correct placement of voice - To develop a good tone quality, one thing you should avoid is forcing out your voice, this leads to throaty singing. Keep in mind, one should sing from the diaphragm and not from the throat.