Launching SPIN Dementia Network


Recording of the launch of 'SPIN Dementia Network+' - Sustainable Prevention, Innovation and Involvement Network for Dementia. • Delivered at Loughborough University on the 4th November 2024, SPIN Dementia Network Plus (SPIN-D Network+) is an exciting new network that is bringing together people who are interested in exploring ways to reduce the risk of dementia, delay the onset of early symptoms, and lessen the impact of dementia through appropriate support and care. • This recording features talks from network leads Professor Chris Fox from Exeter University, Dr Georgina Charlesworth from University College London, Dr Jeremy Isaacs, NHS National Clinical Director for Dementia and Older People’s Mental Health. The recording also includes recordings from people living with dementia, carers, supporters and representatives from their public involvement panel. • Find out more at: • Worldwide, dementia affects over 55 million people, with no readily available cure. SPIN-D aims to tackle this challenge through innovative research, knowledge sharing, and community engagement. We are bringing together diverse stakeholders, including researchers, healthcare professionals, people living with dementia, and their families, to collectively work towards solutions. • Through the network the leaders envision a future where dementia is understood, prevented, and effectively managed. SPIN-D is committed to working alongside individuals, families, and communities to create a society that is better equipped to face the challenges of dementia. • SPIN Dementia Network+ Aims • Research, innovation, involvement in dementia research and understanding of brain health, and building a network that is sustaining beyond the end of the funded programme.​ • Advances in understanding of brain health and prevention of dementia: Research and innovation leading to new therapies, diagnostic tools, and preventive strategies, improving early detection and slowing cognitive decline.​ • Public awareness and community engagement: Involvement in research and advocacy helps spread awareness, promotes healthy lifestyle changes, and supports community-based programs for brain health.​ • -- • Dementia Researcher works alongside events organisers to share their work. If you're organising a dementia research event and would like us to record or share your talks, to get them open access and to reach a wider audience, get in touch: • https://www.dementiaresearcher.nihr.a... • -- • Follow us on Social Media: •   / dementia_researcher     / dementia.researcher     / demrescommunity   •   / dementia-researcher   •


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