Dewas Ke Bhagirath HD देवास के भगीरथ हाई डेफिनेशन


India, one of the most water scarce countries in the world, consumes around 85% in irrigation of its total water consumption. Having limited river valley based irrigation capacity , farmers have no choice but to exploit ground water.70% of irrigation water comes ground water ,which may not last for another 20-30 years in most part of the India with current rate of exploitation. • • Depleting ground water is not only creating drinking water crisis for majority population (80 % drinking water comes from ground water) but also leading to frequent crop failure, which is resulting into many a thousand farmers suicide every year along with wider incidence of poverty and migration. • Dewas district, an administrative unit (area 7040 sq. km.)In central India where Umakant Umrao was posted as administrator in 2006, was reeling under severe water problem. In 90s drinking water was brought by train to quench the thrust .Ground water level was 200-600 ft in most part of the Dewas which gets 880 mm average annual rainfall (national average is 1100 mm). • Umrao, being a civil engineer, farmer’s son and economist by practice, developed a community based rainwater management model which not only fulfills crop and drinking water need even with 600-700mm rainfall but also leads to recharging of ground water in a sustainable manner. The soul and philosophy of this environmental friendly model is to “increase the efficiency of rainwater usage along with making it a profit making business “. “The real source of water is the rainfall not the river” is the key concept. • It is a profitable business model of rain water conservation and management, which ensures profitable farming, drinking water and food security, healthier biodiversity-ecosystem and its rejuvenation and reduction in carbon foot print. • Umrao conceptualized designed, developed and standardized the construction methodology and technology. • Also conceptualized IEC methodology, capacity building strategy particularly community mobilization known as telescopic role model concept which ensures self growing chain of role model community leaders in a sustainable manner without handholding support. The model is an outcome of thoughtful use of surface-ground water hydrology, soil mechanics, meteorology, agronomy, economics, irrigation and evapo transpiration science etc. • The model is being replicated in different parts of the India .Around 200,000 hectare of land has been brought under irrigation. Two million populations have benefited and number is ever increasing. Apart from helping the farmers community, it has also been tremendously successful in restoring the local ecosystem-number of different types of dears ,cheetels,rabbits ,reptiles, butterflies ,birds and other flora –fauna have increased. Some of the migratory birds are seen again after 20 -30 years in last 6-7 years. Ground water level is also substantially rejuvenated. Many a thousand farmers, researcher, scientist.planner, administrator, media persons, public representatives etc from different part of India and from nearly 16 other countries have visited Dewas. • In villagers life Struggle and deprivation have turned into bliss and fulfillment and Umrao has turned into “Jaladheesh (the water God) which they call him out of reverence for his hystorical contribution. • देवास शहर की कहानी विचित्र है। पहले यहां पारंपरिक जलस्रोतों को पाट दिया गया और उन पर मकान, कल-कारखाने खुल गए। पानी का कोई स्रोत नहीं बचा तो शहर को ट्रेन से पानी मंगाना पड़ा। रोज सुबह ट्रेन से पानी आता तो देवास जिले को मिलता था लेकिन देवास जिले के किसानों द्वारा किए गए जबरदस्त प्रयास से आज देवास जिला झूम उठा है। उनके पानी सहेजने के पारंपरिक तरीकों को देखकर अन्य जिलों के किसानों ने भी अपने-अपने यहां पारंपरिक तालाबों का खुदाई कार्यक्रम की शुरूआत की है। देवास के जल ज्ञान और कमाल पर आधारित एक डॉक्युमेंट्री फिल्म। • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Ream More - • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • 1 - • 2 - • 3 - • 4 - • 5 -


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