Tsybin RSR Soviet Spy Airplane
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=6N1xv5APS-I
While distinguished Desing bureaus competed to exceed twice the speed of sound; their airplane named RS was to obtain unbelievable 3000 km/h, to climb 30 km and its range of flight was to equal 14000 km. • Technical proposal presented by the head of the group named Pavel Tsybin was so daring that the military and political leadership could not but to support it. • In a couple of years, it would turn into the world’s first supersonic aircraft to conduct strategic reconnaissance deep inside enemy territory. • The project, named the RSR, reaktivnyi samolet razvedchik or reconnaissance jet airplane, a strategic reconnaissance aircraft, an airplane which was to become Soviet SR-71 Blackbird. Spy satellites were far from development, and the airplane's high altitude and speed left no alternative! • #shotrs