'CRAPTHROPOCENE' is a satirical anthropological perspective on humanity's current predicament. Besides having corrupt, inept and ineffective leadership, we have wasteful and unsustainable production and consumption habits, and a deepening trend towards selfishness and greed. • This score provides a darkly humorous yet unflinching analysis of how various aspects of our world are rapidly deteriorating, and why our relentless pursuit of 'more' may ultimately lead to our downfall. The erosion of morals, values and ethical standards in pursuit of 'more' is a danger to our very existence. • History reveals how selfish thinking and moral failings of past leaders contributed to catastrophic events like World War I and II, as well as subsequent conflicts. There's a growing concern that similar shortcomings in current leadership could precipitate further global crises such as World War III. • The human cost of these failures is staggering. Countless lives, including those of innocent children, have been cut short or irrevocably altered by decisions made by a small group of influential but greedy and stupid so called 'leaders'. This raises profound questions about the purpose and nature of human existence. • To address these challenges, we must prioritize: • 1. Selecting leaders based on intelligence, ethical integrity, and a genuine commitment to the greater good of ALL of mankind. • 2. Reevaluating societal values to emphasize compassionate and benevolent human relationships, spiritual growth, and environmental stewardship over material accumulation. • 3. Embracing the potential of ethical AI to assist in decision-making and problem-solving. • By focusing on these areas, we may be able to co-exist with powerful non-biological super intelligence and chart a more positive course for humanity's future. • #Crapthropocene #ConsumerismCrisis #Sustainability #ArtificialIntelligence #Overconsumption #ClimateChange #AIandHumanity #EnvironmentalCrisis #EthicalAI #WasteCulture #GreedAndPower #SustainableLiving #PlanetOverProfit