Friluftsliv The Nordic Concept of Outdoor Living
Friluftsliv: The Nordic Concept of Outdoor Living. Give yourself a reason to get outdoors. The Scandinavians do this best and the Nordic concept of Friluftsliv (pronounced free loops liv) basically translates to outdoor living. And this isn't limited to the warm summer months. In winter if you have the right gear and mindset there's a whole world out there beyond your device. • And if you're the sort of person that prefers to sit and enjoy a beer then the Norwegians have a word for doing this outside too, utensils (pronounced Oot er Pils), which literally translates to outside beer, now we're talking. • So join me by getting out in your garden this winter and spending some time in the fresh air. • Subscribe to more gardening vlogs on my channel here: / @theenduringgardener • For a tour of the garden at different times of year why not check these out : • Garden Tour • #TheNordicConcept #ConceptofOutdoorLiving