Dragon Mania Legends Guide to the CARE Charity Event

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My Facebook:   / quackalakes   • My Instagram:   / quackalakes   • So here is my list of the top 10 STRONGEST dragons in dragon mania legends! So this list was mostly down to just base stats but there are a couple of dragons that I personally would argue that they could be placed higher/lower due to their elemental typing. • You don't have to agree with me but what do you think? It's a tough call between the Sumo and Plushie for a lot of people for what the outright BEST dragon is in DML so let me know what you think! • The list is as follows: • 1. Sumo • 2. Plushie • 3. Pixel • 4. Vortex • 5. Autumn • 6. Briar • 7. Planet • 8. Lantern • 9. Torch • 10. Love* (many dragons could come in this place really!) • There's no doubt that pretty much all of these legendary dragons are strong in their own ways, if you were planning on making a legendary team then hopefully this list will help you decide which dragons you want to use! • TAGS: • dragon mania legends top 10 strongest legendary dragons best dragon special legendary limited time boss dragon dml game gameplay list strong what is best legendary in dragon mania hack is very bad do not do it yes you reading hehe so predictable sumo autumn plushie briar pixel planet vortex love lantern dragon legendary lantern dragon of the month torch autumn dragon battle legendary dragon team full breeding how to get how to breed legendary dragon legendary sumo dragon unlock sumo how to get sumo legendary pixel legend plushie enchantment breed dragon


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