SmartPhone Trichome Scope Easiest way to check on Trichome Maturity


SmartPhone Trichome Scope: • **FREE Trial to my Step-by-Step Cannabis Grow Videos** • (email [email protected] for details on how to sign-up) • You can also text our Grow Hotline with questions or concerns you may have with your plants. Text messages are returned within 24 hours. Click Here to Contact: • What up Cannabis Growers, and welcome back for another lit episode of GreenBox Grown!  Now and today's video I'm going to be doing a product review, and the product I am reviewing is this wifi-enabled digital trichome scope. Now this product makes looking at your trichomes a million times easier when compared to your traditional jewelers loop or non digital trichomes go. And the reason being is because of this thing actually syncs up with your smartphone via its own app that you can download from the App Store, and what it does is allows you to record while simultaneously seeing what you're looking at with the scope. So afterwards you can we watch that video to see exactly where your trichomes are in terms of development and then of course you can play it in slo-mo so it is easier to see them then during that live feed. • So in today's video I'm going to show you guys exactly what comes with this product and its packaging and then I'm also going to do a little demonstration where I show you guys how to use the scope while demonstrating on my Gorilla Glue Autoflower plants that I am currently growing for my Stealth Grow Series. Now for those of you interested and picking up this trichome scope, I do have a link to it on Amazon and that link is also right here on your screen and I will also have it listed Down Below in the description of this video. All right so now. That you guys know what we are doing in today's video, let's get started with that overview of the supplies that come with this trichome scope in the packaging. • Okay so here we are with the packaging and all of the supplies that came with it, again I think this was around 40 or $45 for the scope. And what it came with was of course it's charging cable which is a USB cable so I just use my butt from my smartphone charger for that. And then I plug it into the wall. Now it also comes with this cool stand for if you want to position it while looking at a sample on your table or if you just want to put it like that while it's charging it's pretty nice. And then of course it comes off of there and you have the trichome scope itself. • The scope does come with a desk cover that Clips over the edge there but since we are about to use it, I have removed it already. It is just a piece of clear plastic that Clips onto the end. Now you will see that it has the power button right here and you just hold that down to turn this on and then once that light comes on that means it's powered up. This dial right here with the LED right underneath, just controls how bright the LED at the end there, that light or LED light is at the very end of the scope. So you can see like that is all the way up and then there it is off. So that is nice to have, it's a nice feature and then you also have this button right here. • Which is actually these two buttons to zoom in and zoom out, and that is for once you have synced up to the app and you've got your live feed going you can use this if you want to zoom in at a little bit of a time. Or you can use this dial for adjusting the scope so it goes from 50x to 1000 x once you have the dial all the way to the left that's fully zoomed in and then all the way to the right is zoomed out. So let me turn it off real quick so I need to get set up first before we use it. But that is pretty much everything that comes with.  The cool features that it is wifi-enabled so you can sync it up with your smart phone and just watch what you are doing through the screen of your phone. Or you can take pictures like I was saying you can take videos which is what I'll be doing here in a second. • Because it is going to be a little bit shaky when you first start using it until you get used to it. And then of course because you are looking at something that isn't sturdy you know on a table in front of you. As always thank you guys for watching today's video, I really hope you enjoyed it, and until next time… • Happy Growing!!! • • Cannabis growing can seem like a really daunting and expensive activity, but it is much easier than you think! When working 1-on-1 with a grow expert from GreenBox Grown, you get to learn as you go so you get the best results possible even during your first ever grow! The Green Box Grown video series' breaks down each step of your grow and really simplifies the process, making it easy to follow. You will also learn how to grow on a budget so you don't have to break the bank to get started! No matter what your growing experience may be, if you follow the GreenBox Grown series, you are guaranteed a successful harvest! Always have a supply of cannabis when you Grow Your Own.


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