Eclectic Impling Guide for Medium Clues OSRS
#electicimplingguide #mediumclues • Eclectic Impling Guide for Medium Clues in Old School Runescape • I show the setup and location for eclectic implings (the fastest way for medium clues). • This is my ironman Lame OSRS catching and opening 2500 Eclectic Implings for those awesome medium clues. If anyone would like me to attempt a bigger opening of implings/clue rewards please let me know down in the comments. • Also if anyone was curious, staying at the eclectic impling spawn is only about 9-10k hunter exp/hour :P. • This is the beginning of a long list of big loots and gains series and I will do my best to continually publish quality OSRS content. • Lame OSRS