The Rookie 1x4 – Drug Dealer Shootout


The Rookie: 1x10 – Flesh and Blood • Synopsis – While on duty with Sergeant Grey, Nolan gets advised to pull over an elderly woman who has a broken taillight and was driving on the wrong side of the road. As he pulls her over, Sergeant Grey advises Nolan on his parking and makes him adjust it. After adjusting his shop multiple times, Sergeant Grey and Nolan exit the shop and approach the elderly woman’s vehicle. • As Nolan starts to question the woman, she asks him to move to the sidewalk and starts sweet-talking him to get out of a ticket. As Nolan is about to let her off, Sergeant Grey advises Nolan to check the rest of the vehicle for any other passengers. As he does this, he notices a man hiding in the passenger seat and tells the man to exit the vehicle and state his name and date of birth, to which the woman responds by saying “Don’t tell him a dang thing!”. • Nolan then tells the woman it is against the law for him to withhold the information and this causes the woman to kick Nolan in his privates and tell her son to run away. As he attempts to flee, he is stopped by Sergeant Grey who continues to ask Nolan, who is laying on the ground in pain, if he is okay. • Final Scene • When Nolan and Sergeant Grey get back to the precinct, laughing about how the elderly woman had more outstanding warrants than her son, Sergeant Grey gets a text from his daughter, who is standing behind him with Nolan’s son Henry. This causes the two to start talking about their kids to which then makes Nolan curious about Sergeant Grey’s wife. He replies to him by saying his wife isn’t his concern and advises him to focus on the job. • I do not own any rights to the clips used, neither do I earn any profit from them. All the rights go to the creators • #therookie #abc


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