WiTWi Carmen Sandiego 1992 The Cave Art Caper
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=6X5XahCDnTo
Welcome to the new home of ACME Crime Net! After twelve years of living on the same channel, it's time that we start everything fresh. It's the same great format as the old ACME Crime Net channel. • To celebrate the grand opening, here's one of the first episodes of ACME's flagship show Where In The World is Carmen Sandiego? ever appeared on YouTube. • In this 1992 episode, Patty Larceny steals the Lascaux Cave Paintings. • I will be uploading episodes of Carmen Sandiego beginning with Season 1 throughout the next few days. All of the episodes that have been uploaded on the old channel will be back. Some of them will now be spliced into one part. Please note other episodes can be found on our friend channels Jon Jenkins, Anton Spivack, and our sister channel TVLubber. • All of your favorite classic favorites will be coming back. If you like more infomation, visit the ACME Crime Net boards [acmecrimenet.boardhost.com]! • http://acmecrimenet.boardhost.com/vie...