How to make Ruffles 6 Gathering Techniques tutorial
Is your next cosplay or costume needing some ruffles? To be honest, there are so many different ways I've seen to make ruffles and gathers that I wanted to compile them into one video - to give a few options depending on your project, sewing skills and machinery. • Ruffles and gathers are wonderful to add volume to skirts, sleeves... anything really (plus it is awesome as a trim too!). • I hope it can help you with your next project! • Time stamp: • Hand Baste: 0:17 • Machine Baste: 0:52 • Gather as you sew: 1:36 • Elastic: 2:13 • Zigzag Pullstring: 2:47 • Gathering Foot: 3:18 • Website: • Patreon: / kirileecosplay • Social media: • Facebook page: / kirileecosplay • Instagram: @kirileecosplay