KMS It All Changed
Decided to take a stab at producing a song. I've learned a lot about music over the past month and I look forward to learning more and working on more music projects. Please, let me know what you think and share if you like it! • P.S. Sorry for being gone so long. A very much needed hiatus was had. Hopefully when I get done with this last deployment I can actually be around and do things. (Manic depression willing) • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Subscribe Today! ► @koolkeanengames • Socials! • Twitch! ► / koolkeanen_games • Discord! ► / discord • Instagram! ► / koolkeanen • Twitter! ► / koolkeanen • Facebook! ► / koolkeanengames • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • #music #producer #musicproduction #musicproducer #breakcore