Chronic Neck amp Shoulder tightness Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises


✨In this video, I talk about how the muscles and bones work together in changing the dimensions of the chest cavity during inspiration and expiration. I hope it helps!☀️ • 🌟What's in this video? • 0:00 - Intro • 0:14 - Movement of the chest wall with inspiration and expiration • 1:15 - Diaphragm • 2:05 - The pump handle and bucket handle movement of the ribs • 2:24 - Muscles ( accessory muscles) used during inspiration • 3:56 - Muscles used during expiration • 5:17 - Summary • ✨ Other videos you may need : • 🔅 Thoracic cage | Bones Joints and Ligaments:    • Thoracic Cage | Ribs Vertebrae Sternu...   • 🔅Pressure Changes during Respiration:    • Breathing Cycle Physiology | Pressure...   • 🔅Lung Volumes and Capacities:    • Lung Volumes and Capacities | Spirogr...   • 💫 For more videos like this, subscribe to my channel! • Byte Size Med:    / @bytesizemed   • 📚Factual References for Further Reading: • Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology • Gray’s Anatomy for Students • Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology • Costanzo’s Textbook of Physiology • Openstax Anatomy and Physiology • • Openstax Biology • • (The last two are links to open-source references. They are NOT affiliate links) • 🌤 Note: • These are just a collection of my notes. So use them the way you would use borrowed notes from a friend. 📝 • The images in this video are hand-drawn for illustration and explanation only.✍️ Hence, they may not be anatomically accurate. I am just one person making these videos. If there are any errors, that is unintentional. I try super hard to avoid them. Please let me know if you find any, so it gets clarified for other viewers. Science constantly evolves and changes. New discoveries are made everyday. So some of the information in these videos may become outdated. If you notice that, please let me know so I can update them. • • • • • • ⚡️Disclaimer: • These videos are NOT a substitute for a medical textbook. Textbooks are written by experts (which I do not claim to be), edited, proofread and referenced. Please use them. • The information has been sourced from multiple references as mentioned above. I draw all the pictures myself. But if I have inadvertently infringed on any copyright, that is completely unintentional. I only make these videos to impart education. If I have accidentally violated copyright in any way, do let me know so I can make the necessary changes or give credit to anyone who is owed the same. • These videos are NOT intended for patient education. They are NOT a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider for any questions you may have regarding any medical condition, so that they can address your individual needs. • 🔅They are ONLY meant to help students of medicine and health sciences with studying, and should be used for just that purpose and absolutely nothing else. • • Byte Size Med. All Rights Reserved.


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