Anthony Ingruber as Han Solo Deepfake


#AnthonyIngruber #HanSolo #Deepfake • In this week's deepfake video: Anthony Ingruber as Han Solo has arrived! • Everyone asked for this one months and months ago, but I was busy with tons of other videos and other things going on in my life, but today I have finally finished the long-awaited Anthony Ingruber/Han Solo deepfake you all have asked for. I hope you enjoy it and if you do please like, comment and subscribe for much more videos like this every week! • ------------------ • Solo: A Star Wars Story co-writer Jonathan Kasdan confirms Anthony Ingruber auditioned for the role of Han Solo during the casting process. When Lucasfilm first announced the spinoff in 2015, Ingruber proved to be a popular pick for Han amongst fans due to his Harrison Ford impression that went viral on YouTube. The actor even portrayed a younger version of Ford's character in the 2015 film The Age of Adaline, so there was precedent. However, the part went to Alden Ehrenreich, who coincidentally was the first one (of a reported 2,500) to try out. • Ehrenreich's performance as a more idealistic and optimistic Han has drawn praise in many circles, though there are still some that do not buy him as the iconic smuggler. For all his talent, Ehrenreich neither looks nor sounds very much like Ford. Ingruber does bear some resemblance to the Star Wars legend, which is why there was a campaign for him to be cast in Solo. And while things didn't work out for Ingruber, he still got an opportunity to audition. • The most important aspect of casting young Han was finding somebody who could embody the spirit of the character, not necessarily do a spot-on Ford impersonation (which would run the risk of slipping into parody). This may have given Ehrenreich the edge over his competition. For all the doubts people had - especially when reports about acting coaches came out - the youngster managed to evoke the classic Solo characteristics and put his own stamp on the role. His well-rounded turn made even the curmudgeonly Ford positively giddy about Solo, which is a ringing endorsement that should sway the naysayers. Ford rarely raves about anything (including his own projects), but he went out of his way to share his thoughts on Ehrenreich to Ron Howard. • This revelation probably won't sit well with Solo dissenters who are still disgruntled about Ingruber, but the fact remains Lucasfilm did not take the responsibility of Solo casting lightly. More than anyone, they understood the magnitude of what they were doing by asking someone to follow Ford's footsteps and pulled out all the stops to get the person they felt was the best choice. Ehrenreich may not be Harrison Ford 2.0, but he is Han, sliding comfortably into the part as he brought new life to an icon of pop culture. It remains to be seen if Ehrenreich will be back for sequels, but he hit the mark with Solo, which was his greatest test. • -ScreenRant • ------------------ • ♦ Deepfakes are synthetic media in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with someone else's likeness. • ► TikTok:   / stryderhd   • ► Twitter:   / stryderhd   • ► Instagram:   / therealstryderhd   • ► Contact: [email protected] • Subscribe to StryderHD for ALL NEW Trailers, Deepfakes, Exclusive Parody Clips More! All The Must See Content Right Here: is a Concept fan art/deepfake video. This is not meant to fool, scam or misinterpret anything to everyone watching, it's meant as just a conceptual video and for entertainment purposes.**Copyright Disclaimer: This video is protected under fair use, due to the fact that it demonstrates/conceptualizes a specific or non-existing film idea, and compiles clips from previously existing productions to create a creatively unique vision and give new meaning. The video displays visual commentary on how a film idea could look, and is a form of FAN ART with some deepfake technology. • star wars, han solo, anthony ingruber, harrison ford, anthony ingruber han solo, han solo movie, deep fake, star wars theory, star wars hunters, star wars deepfake, deep,fake, anthony ingruber han solo deepfake, anthony ingruber deepfake, anthony ingruber star wars deepfake, anthony ingruber as han solo deepfake, deepfakes, deepfake, shamook, sham00k, star wars deep fake, star wars anthony ingruber deepfake, anthony ingruber han solo deep fake, face replacement, stryderhd


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