The Human Hair Growth Cycle Explained Anagen Phase Growth Phase


#hairfall #hairloss #hairfallwomen #HairFallTreatment • Hair fall in women • The cycles of growth (anagen), resorption (catagen) and rest (telogen). Under certain circumstances a higher percentage of hairs cycle into the resting phase, and a woman may notice a sudden onset marked shedding. The exam usually reveals “normal” hair density and good scalp coverage on global exam, because more than 50% of the hair must be lost before hair loss is clinically apparent • Causes of hair fall: • Stress: exams, weight loss, crash dieting, after birth, any personal stress, typhoid, dengue, malaria, high fever, severe sickness, general anesthesia, postpartum, and drugs . In drug-induced TE, increased shedding of the scalp hair occurs 2 to 3 months after initiation of the offending drug which could be antidepressents, blood thinners, certain antihypertensives, retinoids and certain antibiotics. Post partum: certain changes in hormones thicken the existing hair and push the hair follicles into growing anagen phase. Once the hormone levels fall down to normal after delivery, the hair shed. Nutritional deficiency: Diet low in protein, iron deficiency, zinc deficiency. Hormonal imbalance could be the cause. • Shedding usually remains for 4 months, in 6-8 months shedding will stopping and slowly the hair will grow back. • Genetic hair loss: gradual thinning • Diffuse alopecia areata: significant thinning but not in patches • What is normal? • 100 strands a day. • How to tackle it : • Visit a dermatologist to rule out other causes of hair loss • We need to differentiate between diffuse hair loss due to shedding of resting hair and female pattern hair loss which has an underling hormonal abnormality and genetic predisposition. • ¥ Important points in history: onset : sudden or slowly progressive. Any area affected more than other, hair care routine • Few things to do if you have hair fall: • • Blow dry or hair straightener • • Be gentle on wet hair • • Vigorous brushing makes hair brittle • • Avoid hairstyles which tug and pull on the hair. Tie hair loosely. • What medications to take for hair loss (telogen effluvium): • The shedding may last 2–4 months, and visible re-growth may take 6–9 months. Counseling a patient with telogen effluvium involves reassuring her that the increase in hair shedding is temporary and that the resting or telogen follicles are healthy, and capable of full re-growth; no specific treatment is necessary for the hair. • Underlying deficiency needs to be addressed. If iron deficiency, take iron supplements. Biotin supplement should be taken for at least 3 months. Biotin should be at least 10 mg a day. • Minoxidil: use 5% solution once daily at night or 2% twice a day. It can lead to increased facial hair, wear a head band before applying minoxidil. Wipe your forehead and ears after applying. It is completely reversible after discontinuing medications. Side effect is itching and irritation, this is due to propylene glycol in the lotion. You can use a foam formulation to avoid this side effect. • • Things to remember when having hair fall (telogen effluvium) : • It is temporary and full regrowth is seen • Eat a healthy diet • Do not go frantic with hair care products and shampoo • Avoid colouring or straightening your hair • Tie your hair loosely, no tugging pull. • Consult a dermatologist to rule out any other disorder. • Videos: • Face wash for oily skin: • Sunscreen for oily skin: • Do not pop acne: • Other videos: • Teenage acne: • Why to treat acne early • Do not pop acne • Diet and acne • Cleansers for your skin type • Fairness creams and injections: • Follow us on: • Instagram:   /   • Facebook:  / dr.aanchalmd   • Twitter:   / draanchalmd   • Disclaimer: Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options


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