Surgical Breast Biopsy Options
In this video, Dr. Ergun Kocak, a board-certified plastic surgeon of Midwest Breast Aesthetic Surgery in Ohio, performed a step-by-step removal of the surgical drains to a patient who underwent a DIEP flap reconstruction. For more Q As, visit this page: • SUBSCRIBE: • Follow Dr. Kocak on: • / drk_mwbreast • / ergunkocakmd • / ergunkocakmd • • About Dr Kocak: • Dr. Ergun Kocak is a board-certified Plastic Surgeon serving at Midwest Breast Aesthetic Surgery in Gahanna, Ohio. He is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Dublin Methodist Hospital and Mount Carmel New Albany. He received his medical degree from The Ohio State University College of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 15 years. He is one of the doctors at Polaris Surgery Center and The Christ Hospital who specialize in Plastic Surgery. Dr. Kocak specializes in reconstructive surgery of the breast using DIEP, SIEA GAP, TUG, PAP, and direct-to-implant. • #surgicaldrainsremoval #DIEPflapreconstruction #DrErgunKocak