22Designs Lynx Telemark Binding Review

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If you want to learn more about this binding visit: https://absolutetelemark.com/22design... • Learn more on my tutorial series on how to telemark: http://shop.absolutetelemark.com • This is a review of the Telemark binding Lynx from 22 Designs. A Telemark tech binding made to go touring. • In this video, we are going be evaluate how it skis, the step in, step out, the durability, the tour efficientcy and a little comparaison with the Meidjo Binding. • The Lynx binding is the latest binding in the 22Designs line up. 22Desings have created reputed bindings from the HammerHead, Axl, Outlaw X and now the Lynx. • This Lynx binding is made for touring but its telemark descending abilities are quite good as well. • I have mounted my Lynx Telemark binding on the Helio 105 from Black Diamond. Note that Black Diamond does not recommand mounting telemark binding on this ski. If you do, you will void your warranty. • I love the Lynx as an overall design, It's a really innovating way to go from telemark to walk mode. • The second heel anchor is simple and stays in walk mode very reliably. And it stay in telemark mode very reliably. • It's the step in that is sometimes not perfect. This is no big deal while touring but It would be a problem if you use this binding a lot while patrolling or if you use a gondola. I talk about step in step out a lot in my reviews because it is the differentiator between a lot of modern binding. I mean, there are all very good, not to say excellent. • 22 design Outlaw or now the Lynx are well know to be durable, excellent service from the company if something were to go wrong. • I can say that they offer the best value, performance combo of all brands if you live in North America. • On the down side, their step in in both models are not the best. • It's not a big deal, but if I were to identify a weakness, that would be it. • Telemark binding have evolve so much since NTN arrived in 2008. • The own and ski the original Rottofella Freeride, the Meidjo 3.0, the Bishop BMFr, and the Lynx. • I use to have the OutlawX and it's a great bondong too. They kinda have each their own plus. • The Lynx if definetly the usability, tourability, skiability. It's a COMPLETE solution for touring. • When I guide in the backcountry, my telemark skills are always a challenge. I need to keep up with the alpine tourers with super light alpine touring skis, binding and boots. With the Lynx, all I'm missing are the light boots now. Or to be more specific, I would love to have the Crispi Evo WC with a better walk mode. ALL telemark boots suffer from old walk mode technology. • Back to the Lynx binding, what worried me the most was the composite plate that are the backbone of this binding. • Maybe that it will age and have problems in the future but my trust in 22Design is really good. They have only ever produce durable bindings. And so far, the pêrformance of that plate is really, really good. It transferts the energy to the ski and all tech bindings are really good edge to edge.


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