Sustainable Aquaculture
After viewing the film, please visit our survey to answer a few questions • ▶ • Anders Karlsson-Drangsholt, a marine with the Bellona Foundation, explains how European capture fisheries are overexploited. While we need to do much more make capture fisheries sustainable, if we want to continue to eat sea fish we will also have to rely more on fish farming. European aquaculture already provides 25% of our consumption but much of the industry is far from sustainable. Feed for farmed fish is often derived from wild caught fish, adding further pressure on capture fisheries. Another problem can be the spread of disease from densely packed fish pens. The film talks to Mike Velings of Aquaspark a Netherlands-based company which invests in sustainable aquaculture schemes and to Esther Luiten of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council which runs certification schemes for responsible aquaculture. It visits Norway to find out about two sustainable fish farming projects: the Bellona Foundation has teamed up with Norwegian seafood company Leroy to farm salmon more responsibly using seaweed to clean the water around the pens. Sogne Aquais is an onshore halibut farming enterprise which runs without the need for chemicals or antibiotics and can return clean water from the fish pens to the nearby fjiord.