King Hezekiah’s Broad Wall and Assyrian King Sennacherib Defeat Joel Kramer SourceFlix


The Assyrian King Sennacherib’s absolute confidence that he was going to conquer Jerusalem, and have King Hezekiah mounted on a wooden stake, was due to having burnt every city to the ground on his way! Joel Kramer, SourceFlix, explains the extraordinary deliverance. The British Museum has evidence for Sennacherib, King Hezekiah and the Babylonian Chronicles. Which makes along with the Broad Wall in Jerusalem, the references to this event in different books of the Bible and Isaiah’s prophetic scriptures one of my favourite proofs for Yahweh! •    • Hezekiah’s Tunnel Walk Through! Jerus...   here we walk through Hezekiah’s Tunnel built to bring the water source from the Gihon Spring inside the city walls.


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