The Forgotten War for Color Television
Consider supporting us on Patreon! / filmmakeriq • Today we know that 29.97 fps is a hallmark of NTSC video. We may even know the mathematical reasoning behind it. But the war for color television that birthed that oddball number, a war that raged for over a decade and left an imprint on the soul of electronic moving pictures has been largely forgotten... • This retelling owes a great deal to an article posted at the Museum of Early Television • Other resources: • Compatible Color: The Ultimate Three-For-One Special • • Compatible Color: The Ultimate Three-... • The Math involved: Why is TV 29.97 frames per second? • • Why is TV 29.97 frames per second? • Goldmark 1 demo • • First Light: Goldmark 1 • NBC Tournament of the Roses Parade 1954 • • NBC Tournament of the Roses Parade 1954 • BBC2 Goes Colour | 25th Anniversary, David Attenborough • • BBC2 Goes Colour 25th Anniversary | D... • #TelevisionHistory #ColorTelevision #FrameRate #NTSC #History