How To Dremel Your Dogs Nails Slow Motion Close Ups


It would really really mean a lot if you’d be willing to subscribe! Trying to get to 1,000 subs. Thank you so much for watching! • If you'd like to learn about teeth care we have a great video on that too: •    • How to Deep Clean your Dog's Teeth   • How to dremel your dogs nails from Von Hohenhalla Dobermans • • • Taking care of your dog’s nails is an often overlooked aspect of dog care. In my day job at a boarding facility, I often see dogs belonging to owners who just pay for a bath at each visit, while their dogs nails go untouched. Just last week, I saw the devastating affect overgrown nails can have with a small chihuahua whom had nails so long they were growing into her paw pads. The worst part of this situation was not the nail piercing the paw pad (or in other cases I have seen, the common infection that occurs as a result), it’s how it affects the dog’s walking ability. It was obvious that the nails had been overgrown for so long, that the poor dog’s paw structure (bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles) had been permanently altered from walking with her paw curled. Unfortunately the damage at this point was too severe and likely permanent without a corrective surgery. She walked with a severe limp before and a severe limp after those nails were shortened to an acceptable length. A simple monthly nail trim would have spared her from this permanent handicap. • I share the story above to highlight the very serious consequences that nail neglect can have on a dog’s life. I’ve never seen a dog tear tendons or have their foot bone structure permanently change because they’re overdue for a bath. But, baths often take priority for most dog owners over any other grooming needs, when they’re usually a bath is last on the totem pole of necessity. Owners love when their dogs smell good, but I always care more about if the dog feels good! • The most common affect from overgrown nails is the sprawling of a dog’s paw to adjust. Instead of sitting high on their feet, the foot sprawls down, the bones extend and the foot lays flat on the floor. The toes often slant to one side to accommodate that long nail. Once the foot is this deformed, it is often the way it will stay. Other affects include: nails cracking/splitting and nail injury from the nail getting caught in something.


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