Roblox Apeirophobia Roblox Backroom Experience Finale


This video is sponsored by World Of Warships: • Roblox backroom experience, Apeirophobia, chapter 2 Finale. • This walkthrough/meme edit/funny moments will be on the last 4 levels of Apeirophobia. Last time, we played through Left Scarred, Mall, Store, and Neighborhood. In this video, we'll continue from where we left off and play Graveyard, Party Mall, both endings of Hospital and Train Station. The story has not reached its conclusion, and Chapter 2 Finale Part 2 will be added in the future. • Roblox Apeirophobia is a horror game based on the Backrooms centered around exploration and documentation. Each level has unique puzzles that need to be solved and/or entities(monsters) that will jumpscare and hunt you to prevent you from escaping. It is a horror game similar to Mimic and Piggy. Here is a list of all of the current levels in Chapter 2: • Level 17 “Left Scarred”: get a key and file it according to a diagram while escaping a monster (the caretaker). • Level 18 “Mall”: Complete the reactor task from Among Us and escape through a door. Keep eye contact with the wooden statues and move silently near the hound. • Level 19 “Store”: Find the exit in a store by going through the freezer and shower area. • Level 20 “Neighborhood”: Follow the street lights to a house and get in. • Level 21 “Graveyard”: Find keys on tombstones, escape the tall monster (the keeper), enter the church, close all the lights and escape. • Level 22 “Party Mall”: Chill place with no monster. • Level 23 “Hospital”: There are 2 ways to complete this level. • The right way leads you to a vent where you need to solve a light puzzle. After that, you need to escape from a crawling Titan Smiler. • The left way leads you to a dark room with a monster that jumps out of the cage when the lights go out (the cruellest). When he does so, you need to stay still. Pull all the levers to escape. • Level 24 “Train Station”: Run away from a big worm (memory worm) • The last few levels of Chapter 2 are pretty easy, there are not many jump scares, but the backroom atmosphere is still there. We had a lot of fun playing this game and had many funny moments. This video is not a speedrun nor a guide since we clearly don't have enough brain cells for that, and we try to enjoy our walkthrough. • Like always, this video is filled with a lot of funny jokes, funny edits and • dead memes in the form of a playthrough, funny moments edit/funny montage video. I hope you enjoyed watching us play Roblox Apeirophobia. Don’t forget to subscribe, like and comment E. • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • This video contains a crap load of dead memes and bad jokes. Viewer discretion advised. • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed this Roblox video! • Thanks for watching! • Like and subscribe for more Roblox Apeirophobia and other funny videos. • Play Roblox Apeirophobia: • -Discord:   / discord   • -Twitter:   / tankfishyt   • Roblox Apeirophobia: Roblox Backroom Experience Finale - Tank Fish - Fish Tank • #Roblox #robloxedit #robloxhorror #robloxgames • Roblox- Apeirophobia: • A backroom horror game inspired by K. Pixels on YouTube. Some contents are from The Backrooms Wiki. • Thumbnail: Kala_90, Ozan, YunaHamaxika • What is ROBLOX? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 8 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet­to­be­dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“ROBUX”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.


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