Free Syrian Army Massacre Of Prisoners By Neck Cutting 2


Gruesomely disfigured bodies are 'discovered' by 'activists' with their necks cut open in semi-beheadings. The nature of the cuts suggests that a small knife was used and was unable to cut through the tough spinal cord at the back, which is left hanging as the captors may have been too impatient to remove the heads fully. The 'activists' blame Assad for a 'massacre'. However, the 'Free Syrian Army' had already released a pre-execution 'confession' video for sixteen men which included those in the aftermath video. This video is documenting reality and is not intended for the suffering of the people involved. You can find a permanent backup for the video at • • These two videos show how fake 'activist' footage of government massacres is created. You can see an actual example of a beheading conducted by the 'Free Syrian Army' at • • • Barbaric Ramadan Beheading Of Prisoner By 'Free Syrian Army' *Warning Graphic* • • A similar massacre posted by 'activists' was also confirmed as an Al-Qaeda mass execution. See • • Kidnapping And Mass Execution Of 25+ Soldiers And Civilians In Halab- June 22nd 2012 • • VIDEO 1: The aftermath showing six dead men with throats cut. The victims which can be identified positively with those in the 'confession' video are numbered. They are identified on account of distinctive clothing which is • • Victim 1 wears a white shirt with a black T-shirt underneath • Victim 2 wears a white T-shirt with a black stripe running across the middle • Victim 3 wears a black T-shirt with red arms and coca-cola written on the front • Victim 4 wears a blue T-shirt • • Two other victims are not positively identified. The first at 0.05 when the clip begins is a man with a striped T-shirt who cannot be seen in the 'confession' video. However, in the confession video one man is hidden behind an armed captor and only his head can be seen. • • The second not positively identified at 0.34 is a light skinned young man in a black T-shirt. He is probably the light skinned person wearing black in the bottom right of the 'confession' video, but because there is another person (darker skinned) beside him also wearing black he is not labelled for certain. • VIDEO 2: The 'confession' video, with the same men in distinctive clothing numbered. • UPDATE: After writing this and making the annotations to the video I came across a link which identifies the other two people in the massacre video. The young man wearing black is the one in the bottom right of the 'confession' video. The striped T-shirt man is the one in the back row 3rd from the right, the stripes are poorly visible in the 'confession' video. The link to this Arabic news report is    • Video  . The report also mentions that Al Jazeera showed this massacre falsely implying responsibility falls on the government. The Al Jazeera report referred to 16 slain men. However, the actual video of slain men shows 6 only. It is therefore left to the viewer to fill in the gap as to who informed Al Jazeera that the number of slain men is 16 (which coincides with the confession video that was kept from the media reports). Al Jazeera has since made no attempt to correct its blatant reporting of falsehood. Qatar, the home of Al Jazeera, is a major supporter of the 'Free Syrian Army' militias.


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