Coldsmoked salmon with Weber coldsmokegenerator


#ColdSmokedSalmon #WeberColdsmokeGenerator #Coldsmoke • Cold smoking can be used as a flavor enhancer for items such as chicken breasts, beef, pork chops, salmon, scallops, and steak. The item is hung first to develop a pellicle, then can be cold smoked for just long enough to give some flavor. Some cold smoked foods are baked, grilled, steamed, roasted, or sautéed before eating. Smokehouse temperatures for cold smoking are typically done between 20 to 30 °C (68 to 86 °F). In this temperature range, foods take on a smoked flavor, but remain relatively moist. Cold smoking does not cook foods. Meats should be fully cured before cold smoking. • When meat is subjected to cold smoking, it is also hung in a smoker, but the smoke is generated in a separate chamber and the temperature is kept much lower, typically a little warmer than ambient room temperature. The cold smoking process can take days or weeks, as the smoke slowly penetrates the meat without heat. Since cold smoking does not cure meats, they are usually salted or brined before being cold smoked. The salt cure ensures that the meat will stay bacteria free. • Cold smoked meats tend to taste very salty, and their texture varies, depending on how long the meats are smoked. Lightly smoked meats such as lox will have an almost raw, meaty texture, for example. Many cold smoked foods such as bacon need to be cooked before they can be eaten, to ensure that no bacteria is present. • Probably the most important thing to remember when contrasting cold smoking and hot smoking is that hot smoked foods are generally safe as is, while cold smoked foods may be at risk of contamination. • These foods should be kept under refrigeration to ensure that they stay edible. Since the techniques for cold smoking and hot smoking are slightly different, they also require different cooking skills, and cooks should approach cold smoking with care, as it is easy to contaminate food. • Recepie; • 1/2 cup salt • 1/2 cup brown sugar • Mix salt and sugar and coat the fish. Put in the fridge overnight. • Rinse the fish in cold water, and wipe dry. • Smoke for desireded amout of time (i did 10hrs) • When done smoking store the smoked salmon in the fridge overnight before slicing so that the flavors can develop. • Enjoy the salmon! • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Please watch: Tacosoup on the weber gasgrill •    • Tacosoup on the weber gasgrill   • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~


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