MPDDID The Mom Series Whatever Happened To Truddi Chase amp The Troops


MPD/DID the Mom Series~ The Misunderstanding of Multiplicity is a channel that has focused since 2008 on how Media portrays those with the diagnosis of MPD, Multiple Personality or what is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder , DID. For years I have looked at books, films, big screen and small screen , Interviews, musical lyrics,True stories,Docudramas ,fiction and non -fiction, Talk Show Interviews, Radio and TV series.. My focus has been how Media over sensationalizes the experience, pathologizing it always to a extreme, adding stigma and fear to those diagnosed .Myself along with others have tackled the misconceptions, the myths , the • folklore and legends and often the confused Psychiatry of medical models cures and theories, and the history of MPD, DID with all its past names, that add to the controversy. We have all shared lifetools the best we can for living your best life with this experience or diagnosis..Every now and again a book comes along that plows through all the myths of the complexities and supposed rareness of this and shows us it is not complex at all but makes perfect sense, for a time, when needed, and is not at all so rare but quite universal to the human condition and survival. Truddi Chase the Troops wrote one of the first books that brought hope to this experience- When Rabbit Howls , a New York Times Best Seller, helping millions to look at Multiplicity in a simpler way, showing what it was and was not, not a forever disorder, not a life in need of therapy, but a way to function and to function well.Truddi Chase and The Troops passed away March 10, 2010,-they had done interviews with Oprah Winfrey, Donahue, Sally Jessie Raphael, Radio shows and even spoke to criminal child molesters charged with abuse and molestation, as well as Parents of children abused to share how the abusers behavior effects victims in hope to rehabilitate them, as well as educating people about trauma and its effects, they worked closely with the producers the two part Mini Series made for TV Movie Voices Within staring Shelly Long as Truddi and the Troops which told their story. After all the work in therapy with Dr Phillips, the book When Rabbit Howls success, the many talk shows and the radio shows, and movie buzz ,they went home and began the real 'grunt work' of self and selves discovery and recovery, a journey they wrote down with beautifully powerful illustrations in the book The Creature of Habit A Journey From The Troops For Truddi Chase. Truddi Chase's daughter Kari Iddings Ainsworth published her Mothers book complete with every word and illustration.In this video I discuss the book, the art and the Creature's universal message of hope for all creatures in the world when fearful. This book is now published in hardback four years after their passing, alive with their life message of healing and hope to anyone experiencing trauma. The universal message of recovery for all is only a step away in the journey. • You can find the books , art work, calendars, bookmarks, note pads, stationary and more info all at: • • • and join others to discuss the book on FB Truddi Chase page • • If you have read the book your welcome to share your thoughts on the Fb page ! • if you have not read the book yet this is a must read for 2016 so I am suggesting The Creature as a book club read! We will be discussing the book February 22, 2016 in tribute of Truddi's Birthday on the fb page! Come share your thoughts about The Creature and what you learned on the Journey, Peace N love Maria and The Mosaics


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