How to do a Barbell Row


The barbell row is a phenomenal movement for your entire back. See this article for a complete explanation: • It primarily hits the latissiumus dorsi, middle and lower trapezius, middle back (rhomboids), posterior/rear deltoids, biceps (brachialis), forearms (brachioradialis), rotator cuff (infraspinatus, teres major and minor), and pectoralis major sternal head. [1] Yes, you read that right - barbell rows can contribute to chest development. The barbell row is performed standing, with a forward-leaning torso, so the following muscles are involved to stabilize the movement - biceps (brachii), triceps (long head), erector spinae, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, adductors (magnus), and abdominals (rectus abdominis, obliques). [1] • The barbell row involves muscles from knee-to-neck. No wonder it's considered the king of back exercises. • Begin by placing a barbell on the floor, selecting the appropriate working weight, and adding an even amount of weight to both sides of the bar. don't place 55lbs on one side and 35lbs on the other side of the barbell; doing so won't improve your gains and will likely lead to an injury. • If this is your first time performing the exercise then pick a conservative weight that you can safely lift for 8 to 12 repetitions. it's completely acceptable to start with only the barbell itself. In short, the barbell row motion is like a reverse flat bench press. • Once you've selected the appropriate working weight, approach the bar with a stance somewhere in between hip and shoulder-width. Your toes should be pointing forward or slightly outwards. • Once you've set your stance, grasp the bar with a pronated grip (palms facing away from you) at or slightly wider than shoulder width. An excessively wide grip decreases the range of motion and shifts the emphasis on the upper back rather than the entire back. • To begin the set pick up the barbell in a deadlift-like motion; you should be standing upright and bar should be about mid-thigh. While keeping your feet planted rigid, lean your torso forward to roughly a 45degreee angle; some knee bend is acceptable. Too much forward lean can place excessive torque on your lower back. • Some people prefer to lean so their back is parallel with the ground; this style of row is known as the Pendlay row. The Pendlay row is performed explosively, with the bar touching the ground after every rep. With this version of the barbell row the bar will not touch the ground after every rep; this keeps tension on the lats and forces an isometric contraction of the back to stabilize the torso. • Now that your torso is leaning at a 45 degree angle and your arms are fully extended (but not hyperextended), initiate the pull by flexing the lats and pulling your elbows back. Use your arms as levers for transferring power from your lats to the bar. • As you begin pulling your shoulder blades should start retracting the bar will move closer to your body. Pull the weight towards your upper abdominals, or halfway between your belly button and lower chest. • The bar doesn't have to touch your body for a rep to count; instead, focus on ensuring the proper muscles are working and pull the bar to the point that your shoulders and back muscles allow you. This is not an excuse to limit your range of motion or use excessive body English (swaying, jerks, swinging, etc...) to complete the rep. • Once you get a nice contraction in the back at the top of the rep, slower lower the bar back to its starting position with your arms fully extended. After you've completed the number of desired repetitions place the bar on the floor and rest until the next step. As you increase the weight on barbell rows you may be tempted to use more body English but strive to keep the form as strict as possible. • SUBSCRIBE to our channel: • Join our Facebook Group:   / 446290002455932   • Sign up for the Tiger Fitness newsletter: • More About Outright Bars Here: • Follow me on Instagram @marclobliner • Keep Up With Us: • Instagram:   / tigerfitness   • Facebook:   / tigerfitness.  . • Twitter:   / tigerfitnesscom   • Get Tiger Fit! • Tiger Fitness has some of the best solutions to meet your fitness goals! We have Fat Burners, Pre-Workout, Protein bars, boosters and more! See how you can get in the best shape of your life here: • For Business: [email protected] • About Tiger Fitness: • NEW VIDEOS DAILY! Fitness channel led by CMO/MTS Nutrition CEO Marc Lobliner covering all topics related to fitness, current events and the best ways to help you reach your goals! • How to Perform a Barbell Row •    • How to do a Barbell Row   • Tiger Fitness •    / thetigerfitness  


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