GBA Season 6 Draft Rules Tiering and Tier Changes
**The GBA Draft will occur on Saturday at 1pm EST, May 7 on aDrive’s Twitch - ** • Welcome GBA fans to a video in which two of your new Season 6 analysts, The Confusion and ohSpastic1, briefly discuss four major topics regarding the new season. The analysts go over franchise tagging and how it works, the draft (when and where it will happen) and its basic components, a visual view of the five-tier system the GBA has created, and the shifts some Pokemon have made in the tiers between this season and the last. We hope you enjoy the video, and if you have any questions, leave them in the comments section! • Google Document with each tier, including the entirety of Tier 5 - • • __ • Season 6 Coaches: • Atlanta Hawluchas - / @yofizz • Arizona Deoxys - / channel • Borussia Donphan - / elscizor • Boston Red Sawks - / suuperblah • Mewcastle United - / samjamesallen • Milwaukee Sawsbucks - / @m4gni2de91 • New Orleans Pelippers - / @pm7plus • New York Metapods - / xadr1v3 • Philadelphia Scizors - / chimpact • Pittsburgh Pirattatas - / oldmantup • Real Marill - / megaamogwai • San Diego Chimchargers - / 3mv33 • San Francisco Arcaniners - / sceptilemc • San Francisco Gienteis - / gymleadergeo • San Jose Sharpedos - / tomz1272 • Utah Jasmine - / kooperkoushiro • Check out the website: • • Follow us on Twitter! • / gbapokemon