Lynyrd SkynyrdThe Ballad of Curtis Loew
well I used to wake the mornin • befor the rooster crowed • searchin for soda bottles to get myself some dough • brought 'em down to the corner • down to the country store • cash 'em in and give my money to a man named Curtis Lowe • old Curt was a black man with white curly hair • when he had a fifth of wine he did not have a care • he used to own an old dobro used to play across his knee • I'd give old Curt my money he play all day for me • (chours) • play me a song Curtis Lowe, Curtis Lowe • well I got your drinkin' money tune up your dobro • people said he was useless them people all were fools • 'cause Curtis Lowe was the finest picker to ever play the blues • well he looked to be 60, maybe I was 10 • momma used to whoop me • but I'd go see him again • I'd clap my hands, stomp my feet tryin to stay in time • well he'd play me a song or two then take another drink of wine • (chours) • play me a song Curtis Lowe, Curtis Lowe • well I got your drinkin money tune up your dobro • people said he was useless but them people all were fools • 'cause Curtis Lowe was the finest picker to ever play the blues • on the day old Curtis died nobody came to pray • old preacher said some words • and they chucked him in the clay • well he lived a lifetime playin' the black man's blues • and on the day he lost his life that's all he had to lose • (chours) • play me a song Curtis Lowe, yeah Curtis Lowe • I wish that you was here so everyone would know • people said you was useless but them people all were fools • cause Curtis youre the finest picker to ever play the blues","styleRuns":[{"startIndex":0,"length":1539,"styleRunExtensions":{"styleRunColorMapExtension":{"colorMap":[{"key":"USER_INTERFACE_THEME_DARK","value":4294967295},{"key":"USER_INTERFACE_THEME_LIGHT","value":4279440147}]}},"fontFamilyName":"Roboto"}]},"headerRuns":[{"startIndex":0,"length":1539,"headerMapping":"ATTRIBUTED_STRING_HEADER_MAPPING_UNSPECIFIED"}]}},{"itemSectionRenderer":{"contents":[{"continuationItemRenderer":{"trigger":"CONTINUATION_TRIGGER_ON_ITEM_SHOWN","continuationEndpoint":{"clickTrackingParams":"CKUCELsvGAIiEwjA_v-9mPaLAxVlO_EFHfAQCGM=","commandMetadata":{"webCommandMetadata":{"sendPost":true,"apiUrl":"/youtubei/v1/next"}},"continuationCommand":{"token":"Eg0SCzcxcWFYMDUtQXJNGAYyJSIRIgs3MXFhWDA1LUFyTTAAeAJCEGNvbW1lbnRzLXNlY3Rpb24%3D","request":"CONTINUATION_REQUEST_TYPE_WATCH_NEXT"}}}}],"trackingParams":"CKUCELsvGAIiEwjA_v-9mPaLAxVlO_EFHfAQCGM=","sectionIdentifier":"comment-item-section","targetId":"comments-section"}}],"trackingParams":"CKQCELovIhMIwP7_vZj2iwMVZTvxBR3wEAhj"}},"secondaryResults":{"secondaryResults":{"results":[{"lockupViewModel":{"contentImage":{"collectionThumbnailViewModel":{"primaryThumbnail":{"thumbnailViewModel":{"image":{"sources":[{"url":" rs=AOn4CLDKngP1liYR7Vn1MF0TtEpMpMa4dA","width":168,"height":94},{"url":" rs=AOn4CLAEi6kpUKtTT64K-feETtDVt4IN-w","width":336,"height":188}]},"overlays":[{"thumbnailOverlayBadgeViewModel":{"thumbnailBadges":[{"thumbnailBadgeViewModel":{"icon":{"sources":[{"clientResource":{"imageName":"PLAYLISTS"}}]},"text":"16 videos","badgeStyle":"THUMBNAIL_OVERLAY_BADGE_STYLE_DEFAULT","backgroundColor":{"lightTheme":3355443,"darkTheme":3355443}}}],"position":"THUMBNAIL_OVERLAY_BADGE_POSITION_BOTTOM_END"}},{"thumbnailHoverOverlayViewModel":{"icon":{"sources":[{"clientResource":{"imageName":"PLAY_ALL"}}]},"text":{"content":"Play all","styleRuns":[{"startIndex":0,"length":8}]},"style":"THUMBNAIL_HOVER_OVERLAY_STYLE_COVER"}}],"backgroundColor":{"lightTheme":4144959,"darkTheme":4144959}}},"stackColor":{"lightTheme":10066329,"darkTheme":9211020}}},"metadata":{"lockupMetadataViewModel":{"title":{"content":"Lynyrd Skynyrd Greatest Hits"},"metadata":{"contentMetadataViewModel":{"metadataRows":[{"metadataParts":[{"text":{"content":"Lynyrd Skynyrd Greatest Hits