New Yorkers hold church service for US troops POWs


(31 Mar 2003) • Ground Zero, New York City • 1. Wide of ground zero site, pan to crowd • 2. Close-up of woman pinning yellow ribbon to supporter with we're with our troops sign • 3. Mid shot of woman handing out yellow ribbons and US flags • 4. Zoom out of 9/11 family member with picture of 9/11 victim • 5. Wide of podium with veterans reciting the pledge of allegiance • 6. Mid shot of 9/11 families • 6. SOUNDBITE (English) Jullian Barbara, wife of 9/11 victim: • I am here to support the troops. We have to band together and support those families. Those families have been so supportive of us for the past 18 months, how could we turn our backs on them right now. Please be there for those men and for those families. Thank you. • 7. Zoom out of picture of 9/11 victim to wide of podium • 8. Mid shot of 9/11 family member holding picture • 9. SOUNDBITE (English) Al Petrocelli, father of 9/11 victim: • This is my son Mark who died on 9/11. As a combat veteran of the Vietnam war, I know how it feels to come home and to have people protesting against you. We are not to do that. Our people, our soldiers are over there, fighting for us, so can stand here in freedom. It is our duty, our honour and our obligation to support our troops to keep us free. • 10. Supporters singing the national anthem • 11. Cutaway to journalist • 12. SOUNDBITE (English) Cliff Russo, brother of 9/11 victim: • I am constantly supporting the memory of my brother from E.55, he died right there supporting his city and his country. The front page of the New York Post ran a photo of a plane crashing into a building in a mural in Iraq. Death to those damn sympathisers! I would always be around to support the troops and finish the god damn job. • US Mission to the UN, New York • 13. Wide exterior of US Mission • 15. Pan of Rabbi Avi Weiss and church members praying • 16. Mid shot of Rabbi Avi Weiss with US flag • 16. SOUNDBITE (English) Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, National Vice President of AMCHA: • The great concern that I feel that the anti-war movement, which is a legitimate position to be anti-war, it's one I disagree with, but it's a legitimate position. But that position is being tainted with its association, all too often now in a greater volume to anti-Semitism. • 17. Pan from rally to UN building • STORYLINE: • Veterans joined family members of September 11 victims on Sunday for a rally in support of US troops in Iraq at the site of the World Trade Centre attack. • About 100 people gathered at the mesh fence that overlooks the ground zero site, waving flags and singing God Bless America. • Wearing yellow ribbons, relatives of 9/11 victims expressed their unconditional support for the US troops in Iraq and their families and urged the population to do so, no matter what your view on the war is. • Al Petrocelli, a Vietnam veteran and the father of a trade center victim, Mark Petrocelli, shared his feelings on the anti-war demonstrations. I know what it is to come home and to have people protesting against you, he said. • We are not to do that. Our soldiers are over there fighting for us, that we can stand here in freedom, and it is our duty, our honour and our obligation to support our troops to keep us free. • Earlier in the day, seven members of the Coalition for Jewish Concern - AMCHA, gathered in front of the US Mission to the United Nations in a prayer service for the American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action. • CJC - AMCHA National President Rabbi Avi Weiss said they wanted to show solidarity with the POWs and MIAs and link our souls with theirs in a spiritual way. • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter:   / ap_archive   • Facebook:   / aparchives   ​​ • Instagram:   / apnews   • • • You can license this story through AP Archive:


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