Elden Ring Establishing Order Golden Order Greatsword PvP
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=78adf0xjNIg
You've seen her, haven't you? The Rune Faerie. The elegant thing drifting around the Royal Capital. • What she is exactly, I can't say. Doubt anyone can. Some think she's a descendant of the Empyreans. Others think she's a Numen. Others, they think she has some relation to the Crucible. • She's hardly a malicious one though. From what we mere commoners can discern, she's a protector. A guiding light. She won't threaten you...unless of course you prove a threat yourself. • Yep, more Elden Ring tomfoolery. • -- • Music Used • Supersonic - Rob Gasser • #EldenRing #EldenRingPvP