Traction Control Explained Safe Winter Driving with Rick amp Scout
Learn more about Traction Control and other vehicle safety features at • Traction Control (TC) helps reduce slippage or wheel-spin on slippery roads.It is always ON - except when you push the button on your dash. More at Watch here to find out how it works and the rare cases where you want to turn it OFF. • Different car makers call it by different names including TCS, ATC, ETC, DTC, ASR and others. It is designed to work when starting up or at slow speeds. • • Pushing the button or turning it OFF does not affect mileage or how your car drives. Best to keep it ON. • Know more. Drive safer. Visit to learn more about using car safety features to keep you, your family and others safer on the roads. • Facebook: / mycardoeswhat • Twitter: / mycardoeswhat • Instagram: / mycardoeswhat