Protection Prayer To St Michael The Arch Angel Against Jezebel Spirits Queen of Angels


The Powerful Shield Of St Michael(Reloaded! augmenting the powerful intercession of the Queen of Angels, whom the devil dreads the most)... A Powerful Protection Against The Jezebel Spirits Attacking Gods Children, Especially Those Working In His Vineyard.. Keep the Prayer running, As St Michael Builds A Formidable Hedge Around Your Habitat With His Angelic Legions.. • St Michael the Arch Angel defend us in our daily battle. Come to our aid with your celestial choir of Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Arch Angels and Angels. I join the heavenly choir of your celestial companions as I repeat with them - Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. Come dear St Michael, come to our protection and guidance by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of the Most High, All Powerful Lord Elshaddai. Come to our aid with St Raphael and St Gabriel joined by the intercession of the most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God and her chaste spouse St Joseph. Come to our aid O St Michael in our battle against the powers of sin and death, empowered by the Holy Blood of Jesus, by the Holy Blood of Mother Mary which flowed into the veins of Jesus and by the Holy Blood of the Martyrs. Come to our protection dear St Michael, through the powerful intercession of the Holy Apostles, Sts Peter Paul, St Mary Magdalene, St Thomas, St Francis Xavier and St Padre Pio. Be an ever present refuge and safeguard for me, my family tree and my community - against the wickedness and snares of the devil , satan and all his wicked legions, assemblies and sects. Be our defense against all wicked intentions, evil eye, curses, envy, hatred, temptations and all forms of thoughts and actions fashioned against us. In particular defend us O St Michael against all forms of Jezebel spirits, those evil spirits and evil minds targeting God's children who are called to serve the Kingdom of God both in consecrated life and in lay apostolate. May God rebuke those Jezebel spirits, acting as a stumbling block to God's children, we most humbly pray. May God rebuke the evil spirits, all wicked legions and evil minds we most humbly pray. The book of Jeremiah 23:29 asserts that the Word of God is a consuming fire and a powerful hammer that breaks rock into pieces. May God's word along with your sword O dear St Michael move right now at this every moment, destroying every wall standing before us, every power of sin and death, we humbly pray. And do thou O prince of heavenly hosts, by the power of God, by the power of God, by the power of Most Powerful Elshaddai cast into hell satan and all evil spirits, especially the Jezebel spirits attacking God's children and those that prowl through the world seeking the ruin of Gods children. Amen. • == • Will you please pray a decade of the Rosary/ short prayer to support this ministry! Thank You God Bless You!


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