Black Ops 6 18 Tips for Launch
The Black Ops 6 global launch rollout starts in just a few hours after publishing this video, so whether you're taking a vacation to New Zealand for the weekend, hear it's beautiful this time of year or you're waiting until a little later on in the evening for the PC launch, I wanted to conclude our pre-Black Ops 6 content with our annual tips for launch, giving you a few heads up and pointers to get you started off on the right foot. As we go along, drop your thoughts below, going for prestige, camos, zombies easter eggs and exploration or anything else first? Let me know and make sure to drop a like if you enjoy the video or find it at all insightful. Lastly, things are about to get crazy busy here the next few days so just a final reminder and note: Thank you guys truly for the support recently. The channel's been buzzing and I can't thank you enough for stopping by and checking out the content. Means the world. If you'd like to join us on the road to 600,000 subscribers, perhaps you're a part of that nearly 75% of viewers not subscribed, I'd truly love to have you in the community to keep you up to date with Black Ops 6 and other FPS content. For now though, let's get into it... • ►Twitter: / ecoliespresso • ►Instagram: / ecoliespresso • ►Get 10% off GamerAdvantage Glasses: • ►Get 20% Off GFuel with code Espresso : • 00:00 - Intro • 01:13 - Double Check Your Settings in Black Ops 6 • 03:31 - Make Sure to Redeem Your Bonuses (XP, Special Rewards, etc) • 03:56 - Crafting Your Classes To Your Play Style in Black Ops 6 • 04:40 - Managing Your Shared Optics in Black Ops 6 • 05:19 - Utilizing Detailed Statistics in Black Ops 6 Weapon Builds • 05:39 - Utilizing the Firing Range Training Area to Learn Master Your Weapons • 06:13 - Utilizing Your Permanent Unlock Tokens in Black Ops 6 • 07:08 - Hit Your Shots (Aim Higher) In Black Ops 6 • 07:39 - Remember: Only Weapons Lock, Progress Does Not • 08:03 - Do Your Annoying Secondaries Up Front for Camos • 08:52 - Take Advantage of Hardcore in Black Ops 6 • 09:09 - Figure Out Prioritize Your Favorite Weapons for Warzone Season 1 • 09:55 - Play in a Party (If At All Possible) • 10:49 - Experience the Rest of the Game (Zombies Campaign) • 12:34 - Remember to Have Fun Not Lose Yourself • 12:56 - Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like comment!