Rerecording Juna from Clairo Bass from live Version
Juna is one of the best songs on the album for me, and my goal here is to remake the whole song. But first, I decided to study the bass line. I felt that if I put some effort into learning the live version, I would feel more comfortable when I record the final version. It was really hard for me to record the bass without making any mistakes, so I’m taking my time to make it perfect and avoid those errors. It’s a different way to study music, but I’m really enjoying it. My aim, in the end, is to make at least a couple of songs per year, but the main goal is to be able to focus on one song and give my all to every step. I really love this album and Clairo’s other albums, too. • Should I post the full bass cover before the whole song? • The other instruments in this song are really challenging. I’m not yet sure what I’ll do about the sax part and the percussion—and especially the vocals, since it’s a female voice singing—but I hope I can manage it. Also, my favorite part in this song is the humming she does in the outro, like it’s another instrument. I’m really looking forward to recording that part. • Thank you all for joining me on this strange path. I think the next songs will be similar to this one, maybe a Phoebe Bridgers song; I’m not sure yet. • #Clairo #clairosofia#clairocottrill#indiemusic#bass#guitar#phoebebridgers#billieeilish#arcticmonkeys#study#indierock#bedroompop#charm#bassplayer#guitarplayer#producer#musicproducer#spotify#songs#progress#routine #juna#prettygirl#sexytosomeone#information • @clairo @clairobrasil @clairotour @clairoaroundtheworld @clairoreport @clairo.mexico @_clairotours