Functioning Pituitary Adenoma1 Prolactinoma Diagnosis and Treatment DrRoopesh Kumar
Functioning Pituitary Adenoma-1: Prolactinoma- Diagnosis and Treatment • #pituitaryadenoma #prolactin #DrRoopeshKumar • We saw non-functioning adenoma. Now we will see about functioning adenoma. Sometimes the adenoma will be functioning, that is, it will be a tumor that secretes hormones. Commonly there are only three tumors that secrete hormones. That is what we are going to see now. • The first type. A hormone called prolactin. We call the hormone secreted by prolactin as prolactinoma. How do we find it out? Usually, the symptoms can be common in women. • How do they get it? When an evaluation is done for infertility if prolactinoma is high or if the prolactin levels are high, they will have infertility issues. • So, they will commonly go to a gynecologist. Normally the menstrual periods are regular, but for these women they will not get menstrual periods, it will stop. If the prolactin levels are high, periods will be irregular. Even they visit a gynecologist as it is a period related issue. • Only then they will realize that these are problems that they face due to excess prolactin secretion. • Thirdly, in general lactating mothers. Usually post pregnancy, the lactation period will last for almost 1 to 1.5 years. That is normal. But for some people, without becoming pregnant they will have milk discharge from the breasts. It is called Galactorrhea. • If a person has galactorrhea and has irregular periods, it is called galactorrhea amenorrhea syndrome. Most of the time, this is because of excess prolactin hormone. How this happens is, the pituitary is a tumor that secretes prolactin. This is called prolactinoma. This is the most common presentation for ladies. • Is it only for ladies? Do men get it? Yes, men can also get this. If men get it what will the symptoms be like? As men do not get periods, most of the time, the tumor will be big. • Symptoms will not be visible. For women it is visible, we can find out that prolactin is high. • For men the diagnosis takes longer. • So what type of symptoms will they have? Headache, visual disturbances, they will not have interest in having intercourse, we call it loss of libido. These are the common symptoms for men who have high prolactin levels. This is what we find out. We find out through a blood test. In the blood test prolactin levels will be high. When that is the case, to understand why it is high, if we take an MRI scan, they will have an adenoma in their pituitary gland. • If prolactin is excess and there is a tumor they will not need surgery. If we give hormonal treatment using medicines there will be good recovery. The tumor too can be dissolved. Can pituitary adenoma be cured using medicines? The tumor called prolactinoma can be cured using just medicines. With medical treatment, the tumor will dissolve, prolactin level will also reduce, Women who were unable to conceive can conceive and for men too all the vision problems will be solved. • Chapters • 00:33 Prolactinoma • 00:53 How do we find it? • 01:44 Galactorrhea amenorrhea syndrome • 02:05 What will be the symptoms for men? • 02:53 Treatment options • • Located in: MGM Healthcare • Address: No 54, Old, 72, Nelson Manickam Rd, Aminjikarai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600029 • Hours: • Open 24 hours • Phone: 044 4524 240 • • What is the 1st line treatment for pituitary adenoma?, • What is the treatment of functioning adenoma?, • What is a functioning pituitary adenoma?, • How is pituitary adenoma diagnosed?, • Do pituitary adenomas need treatment?, • What is the best treatment for pituitary tumor?, • How serious is a pituitary adenoma?, • What size pituitary tumor should be removed?, • Can pituitary tumors be treated naturally?, • Should I worry about pituitary tumor?, • Can you live a full life with a pituitary tumor?, • What food is good for pituitary tumor?,